1. 'You Don't Know Me', Michael Buble
2. 'Lua', Bright Eyes
3. 'Sorry About That', Alkaline Trio
4. 'Incident on 57th Street', Bruce Springsteen
5. 'Hold On', Tom Waits
It's currently monsooning outside and I wish I were at the Alesi house on their porch, but I'm happy to be home. I didn't go home after school today. I had dress clothes in my weekend bag. I find myself packing 'weekend bags' because I'm usually hopping around all weekend. But anyway, from my after school errands, I picked up Danny and we drove to Bryan's. We spent the majority of the time and the majority of my gas tank cruising around downtown Washington listening to death metal and Slayer. Yep. At one stop light, this car full of meathead boys were like "YO, COME FOLLOW USSSS." So I did for about a block, then we all went back to Bryan's and jammed in his basement. Well, I watched. I did play the drums for three seconds, though. After Bryan's I hung out at Annie's for a little bit. Zach had left already, so we just chilled. It was good, except I was still in dressy clothes. Boo.
I drove home in the RAIN and it was awesome, except my windshield wipers are sort of effed up. I came home and there were strange cars in my driveway. Dennis had some of his friends over and none of them were gone.. Usually when they come over they're gone by ten because they're old men who go to sleep at eleven. So them being there at midnight was weird. But anyway, there were in my basement and it was uncomfortable. I was introduced and disappeared into my sleeping quarters, which are still in the basement so I could hear them talking and stuff.
Today was Chen's birthday and I made some sweet cupcakes with 'Happy Birthday' written on them in Chinese. That was the highlight of the day, I think. From what I can recall. I'm in sort of a sleepy akljsdlsakj right now. I'm going to two parties tomorrow, a show on Sunday and then I have finals Monday and Tuesday and then the fourth quarter will start and I'll graduate.
Cool. Oh, also, I feel like a jerk. And I meant to say that Coyote Ugly is truly one of the lamest movies I've ever seen. Ever.