1. beard.
2. tattoos.
3. camera lens.
4. glasses.
5. bruce springsteen.
i get it, no one else may. anyway.. lately i've really been feelin' spring break. i haven't really spent the last three weekends here and it makes me sad, though the places i go make me happy. i've got family all over the place and it's taken me a few months to realize that. i went to dinner with dann tonight and there was a copy of the anthology of tom waits on tape sitting on the table. FOR ME. it made me really happy, and now i'm in a happy mood. happy and lucky. happy go lucky? happy AND lucky to have such good people in college with me. most importantly dann, it's crazy that we both ended up here. sort of crazy, anyway. i still remember visiting NYU with him when i was a SOPHOMORE. damn.
lately i've also written a lot of papers and read a lot of books. right now i'm "reading" hobbes leviathan. i say "reading" because i'm just reading the sparknotes. whatever. i just spent the last half hour or so (probably more) dancing around our room with manoa with glowsticks and all the lights off, dancing to a lot of rap with this awesome new york hat on. she had an atlanta hat on. north vs south, civil war status.

this has become my newest favorite picture. my best friends! broken down, helpless on 287. northbound. bound for less than jake and goldfinger. in reality, bound for a night of dave diange and hookah on my back porch. i think it may have rained. i remember sitting with my feet dangling into the pool talking with cait about everything that just fell apart. physically, emotionally, etc.