1. lived at the beach.
2. listened to a lot of crime in stereo.
3. mourned. cried more than i ever have before.
4. moved back to new york.
5. lived life.
i'm always doing #5. i like doing it, i don't like complaining about it because i love my life. i wish i had wrote in this over the last five months because they were probably the most important months of my life so far. so much happened. i'm glad i've been writing it down somewhere (actual journal, what?). here are pictures from the last five months. in short.. i went on a life-altering trip to california, i only hung out with a few people at home but they're my favorite people i've ever met and i love them dearly, lost someone very close to me (rest in peace MPD, love you always and forever), parted ways with a few good friends who may have never really been my good friends in the first place, got my art tattooed on my best friend, explored the rest of my city, explored some great parts of my state, grew incredibly close to my family, saw and listened to and loved a lot of great music.

so that's that, in a nutshell. now i'm back in school and really excited about this semester. i'm taking a journalism class, a literary interpretation class, a creative writing class, a poetry class and a class on adolf hitler. aside from school, i've been trying to get my foot in the door at a few publications and boring bullshit like that. i write weekly for college magazine, i'm doing the SPIN street team. i got a twitter? twitter.com/amandadel. i've had one since february, katy made me do it. i'm working on a piece about cigarette smoke and men right now. story of my life. i'm too tired to finish it, but i will. i've been writing more than usual lately and i forgot how much i love it and miss it when i don't do it. i also miss a lot of people. especially matt, i was thinking about him today. he seems so far away. i made a mix for him, i'm working on a letter to pair it with and then i'll send it to some place in syracuse new york where it's probably snowing already.
fast forward to what i'm doing at this exact moment: listening to the weakerthans and feeling unattached to the feelings i felt five months ago when i listened to them. now i don't get sad or upset or any of that bullshit. i'm just happy they exist. i'm happy to exist, that's all. john k. sampson, or at least i feel anyway, is a fucking genius and i take every word and line he says to heart. i'm seeing the weakerthans with nick tomorrow night in brooklyn. i'm really excited and not worried about who will or won't be there, which i'm proud of.
right now "left and leaving" (album, not song) is on and i've listened to watermark (song, yes) over and over and over. it's beautiful.
hold on to the corners of today, we'll fold them up to save until it's needed.