2. "It almost makes me want to be on vicodin for car rides." -- Anna
3. "Fuck the FYE." -- Matt
4. "ask alex if becca's a bitch. family wants to know, lol" -- Dann
5. "SAKI BOMB!" -- Annie
People (old people, really) always criticize today's youth for texting when we can just pick up the phone and call. But I don't think you can call someone just to randomly say "SAKI BOMB!". Text messages are a lot more fun because you can say things that are completely out of context in the midst of a conversation. For instance, Becky had asked me about "My So Called Life" (if we had the set in the store, how much it wa$, etc) and the next thing I know, Gary still wants her. You wouldn't normally go from Claire Danes and Jared Leto to a random ex-coworker of an ex-coworker at the drop of a saki bomb. Am I right?
Not now chief, I'm in the fucking zen.
Is Becca a bitch?
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