1. Rough rough weekend. I need one recovery day, please God, please.
2. I didn't do any homework, and right now my alarm is set for 5am to do it all.
3. I took too many Advil today and I still feel sick.
4. We haven't had one this winter!
5. I have a lot of misc. birthday/holiday shoppings and things to do. Scholarship applications.
There was no rest for the weary this weekend. There was only pills, Philly, shows, Condom Kingdom, police station, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, "The only good sex is the sex with cuddling at the end. That's the only true sex there is, really" and other life lessons, no sleep at all, countless hours of working and driving, involvement in a hit and run, still sleepless, sickness, skanking, car rides, gps, party, Tony Romo... and I would like nothing more than a day off from school. If I wasn't so afraid to puke, I would do it just to stay home anyway. This semester needs to end. And like my nose, I'm running. "The feeling of sleepiness when you are not in bed, and can't get there, is the meanest feeling in the world."
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