1. To write more.
2. To take more pictures.
3. I'm bored of everything else.
4. To give me something to do during HTML class.
5. This is better than LJ.

My camera finally decided to upload pictures onto the computer again. So, I now have 682 more pictures on my computer today than I did yesterday. I need to find a place for them all. I need to read, calculate and eat dinner with my dad for his birthday. I told him we could go to Westfield (new favorite place: circles, banks, mexicanfood, picture) but he said it was too far away.

Later: I go to dinner with my dad. Back at his house, it looks like someone cleaned.. It turns out someone got him a full day of maid service for his birthday. It was much needed. Now I'm back home and it's already 9:00. I have to make a brochure for HS inductions tomorrow, which takes priority because I can't exactly do it tomorrow. Soo, I decided that after I do that I'm going to pass out. I'll wake up early tomorrow to read the next 20 pages in Medea, spend a few moments in HTML taking five notes of quality, and do the Calc homework at lunch because it's semi-understandable and there's not too many problems. Tomorrow I'll come home after Calc tutorial, start reading the Euro chapter, finish reading Medea and taking notes for our panel discussion, do more Calc homework (if needed), take a shower, go to Staples to make copies of this lame brochure, go to the Induction Ceremony.. come back home around 9:30/10:00 and pass out again. But there's a really good weekend coming up.. during which I NEED to start my Bukowski paper. 2,000 Worter?!? I will have four hours on Saturday after ACTs to do all of my homework and write a LAMP article.

Atleast New Jersey isn't on fire yet. The apocalypse is coming and it's too bad I have to go out like this.
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