2. The last two issues of Rolling Stone.
3. Go Ask Alice.
4. English assignment rubric/instructions (due Tuesday, lols).
5. Secondary work shirt.

My brain has been all over the place lately. I may have left it at the New York State Theatre today. I know my brain is tired, it just spend two hours in city traffic. I want to catch up on sleep, but stay up late to do homework at the same time. But then, I end up doing everything but homework and still stay up until midnight. How do heads work? How do brains work? I want to study neural science to figure out why I do certain things. I want to learn why I procrastinate and how I don't sleep but have no desire to nap. When you Google 'neural science' the first thing that comes up is: "Center for Neural Science, New York University". Try it. Google it. Did you try? Now why did you try? Because I asked or because you didn't believe me or because you have time to waste? I want to know.
"I'm too tired not to be with you." -- That's probably what will happen. Soon enough, soon enough.
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