
five things i hate about winter.

1. it was 19 degrees today.
2. i can't feel my face when i go outside.
3. it's already dark at five pm.
4. snow and cars and me don't mix.
5. i feel like i've mentioned this before, but no good shows happen.

the end of the semester marks the beginning of winter. i haven't documented things in here for a while. i got a real journal and i'm starting to write in that more often, which is still good. anyway, the end of the semester also marks the beginning of pandemonium. this week i have the following papers due: 4 pages on persepolis, 10 pages on beowulf, 5 pages on the israel/palestine conflict, 3 pages on thomas aquinas. and then i start the actual studying.. tomorrow night i'm shooting a holiday party for "women in music". i feel really legit about this. it's at some fancy place and there will be fancy people there and i'll probably feel out of place. on thursday, cynthia and taylor and coming in for the night!! i am really excited about this. OH! i also spent friday night at the RUT with sarah and it was insane, insane, insane. like my life lately. i don't know if winter break is going to slow anything down. OH! i had a giant party at my house and my room got trashed but it's quite alright now. anything else that comes to mind? not really. my new years resolution, by the way, will be the same as last: more letters, more art, more writing, live better. i'm getting ahead of myself thinking about new years. i'm going to write something right now and then read things about baghdad/middle eastern things and then write about ancient christian shit and then sleep and wake up and do things with my life.

but winter can be really pretty and sometimes romantic but always pretty.


Unknown said...

i feel you on the anti-winter. its only good for holidays and a reason to cuddle with anyone and anything and everyone and everything. and when people put up christmas lights.
and i thought i had a lot of papers to write, jeez gurrrrl. good luck with them! you are a writer though, so not too bad right? i am not a paper writer. i'm a random sloppy poem writer.