
Five Shows I'd Settle For

1. Say Anything, Manchester Orchestra.
2. The Bravery.
3. Simple Plan (no, really).
4. Nada Surf.
5. Flogging Molly.

No one ever tours in the winter.  Another reason why winter blows and I can't wait for spring.  I don't even like winter shows because you have to wear a winter coat and you can't wait outside in the parking lot without freezing to death and you never get there early because you don't want to freeze to death and I JUST HATE WINTER.  Ugh.  Bloc Party is touring during the spring, so that'll be something to look forward to.  The World/Inferno show I was going to on Friday sold out already.. Blah.  February is a lame month.  Next weekend I'm going to Ruthie's lake house.. We're planning a city weekend at Zach's dad's house.. I'm really trying to get down to Temple/Philly to see Cocokaty, too.. It's just a lame month because I really don't want to do any of this while it's cold and wintry outside.  The lake house has a hot tub, atleast.  But the city in the winter isn't my favorite thing.  And yeah.  No wonder hibernation exists.


Five Specific Things To Be Happy About At This Very Moment

1. Two more questions left for the Communist Manifesto (which I should be doing instead of this)!
2. John still works at FYE.
3. I met two really cool peeps (Lindsay, Kate) in my second block class, meaning I now know cool people in every single one of my classes.
4. No more Dr. Fink!
5. I could do a lot of homework in A Lunch.

So yeah, after last night I've been stressing all day over work but it's all okay now.  I think I was stressed out because John was stressed out and right around this time last year (almost to the exact day), Heather got let go.  Then Jess left, then Moe left, then everyone I loved left.  Except Anna.  Then we hired all new people, who have since left (my darling Vincent).  Then we hired all new people again for the holiday, and most of them have left.  I like exactly where we are right now (minus big R) and I don't want that to change yet.. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that knowing someone in the Screen Actors Guild is splendid.  You know how many free movies are in my house right now?  A lot!  3:10 to Yuma, Atonement, Into the Wild, Hairspray, Away From Her... there's a few more.  I like awards season.  I'm determined to watch those movies!  Especially Atonement and Away From Her because the letter A is arguably the best letter of the AAAAlphAAAAbet.


Five Favorite Flaming Lips Songs

1. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Pt I
2. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Pt II
3. Do You Realize?
4. My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion
5. All We Have Is Now

I don't pride myself on being the biggest FL fan in the world or anything, but I'm truly in love with "Yoshimi..." (song and album, but mostly song).  First semester is already over.. I have no real finals tomorrow and second block I think I'm going to skip out on after the written portion of my final because Sarah told me to come to her Euro class (they're having a party).  Friday I have my Calc FINAL.  F-I-N-A-L.  It's over, it's over.  I'm sad because there are some good people in that class that I enjoy talking to, but nothing about mathematics will be missed at all.  NOTHING.  DocChow would be upset if he ever found out how much I hate hate hate Calculus.  Uh, since tomorrow isn't an actual day I'm going to stay up late tonight (after work, that is) and make a mix for Annie so she won't feel so sad.  Plus, I feel like I haven't seen her in so long even though that's not true.  And I'm determined to finish this painting I'm working on for the office at work.  This weekend won't be as busy as last, so I think I can get a lot of work done.  Friday is a post-final celebration post-school, then later on is Last Band Standing and the after-activities.  Saturday I'm working until 4 then doing Euro homework then going to see There Will Be Blood, which I'm excited about because it looks good and it's nominated for a million things.  Today Cynthia told me that the Myans were wrong and we'll still be good to go after 2012.  It made me feel good.

PS: I've had Yoshimi stuck in my head for hours.  John told me to sing part of it out loud, and end the line with the word "binnet" or something of that nature.  I don't want it to work, this song is awesome.  He says if it's a good song, let it stay up there.  He's not feeling well right now and I just hope he gets better soon.


Five Songs I Forgot I Loved

1. Pulling Muscles (From the Shell) - Squeeze
2. I'll Stand By You - The Pretenders
3. Two Princes - Spin Doctors
4. Semi-Charmed Life - Third Eye Blind
5. The Freshman - The Verve Pipe

Yeah, I've gotten a bunch of new old music lately and it's all really good.  AND John put on the Reality Bites soundtrack the other day.. I forgot how good Squeeze is.  Tempted was almost on the list, but Pulling Muscles is probably my favorite.  I have a bunch of random things to do today, on this Martin Luther holiday.  I have to make a mix to send to Wisconsin (ps: sorry about your football team. ouch!), a special something for a special some(two)'s birthday(s), update my iPod even though it's slowly being sucked of life, go see Cloverfield again, do all my homework and paint and prepare for Valentine's Day things.  I like Valentine's Day.. V-Day.. VD. Hahhahahaahha.  It's always nice to remember you are loved.


Five Words That Describe Cloverfield

1. Epic.
2. Intense.
3. Awesome.
4. Scary.
5. Rad.

When John called before our conversation started like this. Him- "When are you going?" Me-"10:15. How was it?" Him- "It was good." But it was so much better than good! I want to watch it over and over again. It made me laugh and jump and cry (just a little bit). Almost like this show that's playing in the background called "Lock Up Raw" which is about inmates. The man on right now has something like 47 swastikas tattooed on his body. Hahahahah. I'm just waiting for To Catch A Predator to start. I realized that I wait for a lot of things, and look forward to them. I need to stop. Everything is moving way too fast. I remember talking to John about this movie in the summer, when it was still being called 1.18.08. The date seemed so far away, and now it's here. Oh yeah, Riona/Borah/I are going to see World/Inferno at the Bowery on February 1st. February seems like a whole different planet right now, and I'd like to keep it that way. One last thing: as soon as I won't freak out about spending $40, there are a super cool pair of koi fish Vans that I would love to purchase.


Five Songs You Need While Trapped In Your House Because Of Snow

1. "Rocket Boy" Jets to Brazil

2. "Hallelujiah (sp?)" Jeff Buckley
3. "Oh Comely" Neutral Milk Hotel
4. "Backyards" Broken Social Scene
5. "How It Ends" DeVotchKa

I wish I were trapped in my house because of snow.  I made a tape called "Hibernation" today and it's full of songs that are so long and slow it makes you feel like you're asleep.  Sadly, the mix isn't that long because you can't exactly fit too many songs like that.  For example, the five that I've included are all atleast over six minutes long.  Epic!  Taco Night has turned into Production Night because I have to bring Zan somewhere but I want to do a lot more than that.  This includes: making/buying dinner, making JD and Klossface's birthday things for tomorrow, burning music for people, scholarship goodness!  John in seeing Cloverfield in SIX HOURS and I have to wait for another 28 hours!  But it should be good.  Me and Rio.  Rio-union. Ha.  Also, I don't know why I put a picture of Dan Andriano on this because Alkaline Trio actually isn't on this mix.  But he's cute.


Five Material Things I Want

1. Sweet pair of Ran Bans.
2. Tickets to Cloverfield!
3. Family Guy: Blue Harvest.
4. A television.
5. NYU sweatpants.

The Ray Bans are for the summer when me and Katy go to the city, so we can both wear them, duh.  The tickets are for Friday.  John told me they were going to sell out and naturally made me all paranoid!  Blue Harvest looks so good.  Perhaps I'll watch it with Joe one day, because he wants to see it but no one else does.  I do.  The television will be for the garage, because I'm about to go work out (it's very late, and music will put me to sleep) and it would make the time go by quicker.  I bought the new Magnetic Fields album today (much to John's dismay, I think.  before I even paid, he went on about how much it was going to suck) which deserves a listen because I'm writing a review for it.  So this might be a good time to listen to it.  The sweatpants are just really sweet and JP told me today that I needed more college swag (I definitely don't! But sweats would be nice).  I got a nice Andy Warhol bag today with Jesus on it.  I don't even like Andy Warhol that much.  I don't think he was that talented.  But maybe I'm too old fashioned.


Five Reasons I'm Glad I Stayed Home Today

1. Waking up at 5am and doing homework made me really tired.
2. I can finally write a good Lamp article.
3. I slept from 7-11:30.
4. I can really clean out my school stuff! And do all the homework I already know I have.
5. I get to work on scholarship stuff. Lame.

My mom let me stay home today because I finally had no more Calculus lectures and my lips were bleeding and we she won't let me take anymore medicine and I haven't missed one day this year and I probably won't be able to miss another one.  The only thing I had to do was walk the dogs at 6:40 in the morning after I did all of my homework.  So really, I should have asked her yesterday so I didn't have to wake up so fucking early.  But it's alright.  All I've done today was catch up on homework.  I'm about to give my backpack a major cleanout, update my whiteboard, read the Communist Manifesto, write my article and start doing all of the scholarship essays (so far I only have two, but they're about trivial things that will never warrant 600 words a piece).  Oh, and I have to clean up my hardrive because I'm running  "dangerously low" on disk space and my computer is about to crash, or something. Then lateron, I plan on going for a nice walk to sweat out all of the "sickness" in my body and yeah! Good times!  Oh, more good times is NYU giving me $lots of dollars and my mom telling them to give me more and then them giving me more and then she wanted to tell them 'more' again and I just said 'STOP'.  So she did.  $15,000.  I can't even wrap my brain around it.


Five Reasons We Must Have A Snow Day

1. Rough rough weekend. I need one recovery day, please God, please.
2. I didn't do any homework, and right now my alarm is set for 5am to do it all.
3. I took too many Advil today and I still feel sick.
4. We haven't had one this winter!
5. I have a lot of misc. birthday/holiday shoppings and things to do.  Scholarship applications.

There was no rest for the weary this weekend.  There was only pills, Philly, shows, Condom Kingdom, police station, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, "The only good sex is the sex with cuddling at the end. That's the only true sex there is, really" and other life lessons, no sleep at all, countless hours of working and driving, involvement in a hit and run, still sleepless, sickness, skanking, car rides, gps, party, Tony Romo... and I would like nothing more than a day off from school.  If I wasn't so afraid to puke, I would do it just to stay home anyway.  This semester needs to end.  And like my nose, I'm running.  "The feeling of sleepiness when you are not in bed, and can't get there, is the meanest feeling in the world."


Five Reasons I Love My Camera

Everything is so new and beautiful. I need to figure out how to really use my camera.  To the best of it's ability.  Anyway, the weather is great and so is my English teacher.  I haven't been doing any homework for anything, really, yet still manage to maintain my grades in all four classes.  I've been outside until it's dark every day this week.  This weekend, I predict I'll spend two hours at my house.  Maybe not even two hours.  I have mixed feelings about weekends like this because sometimes I just want to sleep in.  But then I feel like life is way too short not to be doing something productive with all these beautiful days and nights and weekends and minutes and seconds.  Except on weeknights.  On weeknights, I enjoy finishing homework, writing something and reading for fun.  Prozac Nation.  There's something about slitting your wrists to Strawberry Fields Forever.  Nothing is real.  I could see why someone would pick that song.  However, I could not see why someone would ever slit a wrist.  It makes me want to puke.


Five Things I Should Have Done Today

1. Read Pride & Prejudice.
2. Studied Calculus.
3. Taken Advil.
4. Straightened my hair.
5. Cleaned my room.

It was such a beautiful beautiful day out that none of these practical things got done.  I was outside until 6:00pm.  I came inside, played drums with my brother and watched the I Love New York 2 reunion because I fell asleep during it last night.  Right now, my head is pounding.  All homework seems impossible because I'm feeling a little sickly.  My camera lens was shipped today! This is going to be the craziest week ever.  Today I was out, tomorrow I'm going to Katie's, coming home for some hardcore Calc intervention/studying, going out with Zan for his birthday.  Wednesday I have German, Thursday is Elan and work until close.  Friday, Anna and I are baking and watching scary Japanese films all night.  Saturday I work 10-6 and go straight from work to Philly for the Big D show.. Sunday there's a party at Kelson's house. Great.  I want to relax!  With no homework to worry about, either.  I want my lens!  I'm very impatient because I just want to start taking pictures. And I want to see Matt before he leaves (Saturday, boo).


Five New Lists

Five Reasons 2007 Was Ballin'
1. Car! And license to drive it.
2. Acceptance.
3. I got a new boss and he's quite boss.
4. Nikon D40.
5. All times with friends were good ones.

Five Favorite Albums of 2007 (No Order)
1. New Wave
2. Magic
3. Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
4. Wincing the Night Away
5. Remains (it counts! sweet DVD included)

Five Things I'm Looking Forward to in 2008
1. Lots of good shows (January alone is Whole Wheat Bread, HWM and The Lawrence Arms).
2. Alkaline Trio release!
3. Chicago (I'm doing it).
4. Turning 18/Clubbing as soon as it happens.
5. Moving to the big NYC.

Five Things I've Already Done in 2008
1. Played "Kings" and it became my new favorite games.
2. First Red Bull (and I needed it).
3. Stayed up until 4am watching "movies" (lololol).
4. Drove with the windows down.
5. Major headache.

Five Things I Hope to Accomplish in 2008
1. Good health.
2. More art! Giant canvas!
3. Mixtapes on cassettes.
4. Tons of pictures of everyone and everything.
5. A better job of keeping in touch.

Rang in 2008 nicely.  Instead of sleeping like I should have today, I went to the mall/movies, uploaded pictures, uploaded CDs, Twilight Zone marathon, sank the Pod and will now begin my homework so I can get it over with and start a new painting.