
Five New Lists

Five Reasons 2007 Was Ballin'
1. Car! And license to drive it.
2. Acceptance.
3. I got a new boss and he's quite boss.
4. Nikon D40.
5. All times with friends were good ones.

Five Favorite Albums of 2007 (No Order)
1. New Wave
2. Magic
3. Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
4. Wincing the Night Away
5. Remains (it counts! sweet DVD included)

Five Things I'm Looking Forward to in 2008
1. Lots of good shows (January alone is Whole Wheat Bread, HWM and The Lawrence Arms).
2. Alkaline Trio release!
3. Chicago (I'm doing it).
4. Turning 18/Clubbing as soon as it happens.
5. Moving to the big NYC.

Five Things I've Already Done in 2008
1. Played "Kings" and it became my new favorite games.
2. First Red Bull (and I needed it).
3. Stayed up until 4am watching "movies" (lololol).
4. Drove with the windows down.
5. Major headache.

Five Things I Hope to Accomplish in 2008
1. Good health.
2. More art! Giant canvas!
3. Mixtapes on cassettes.
4. Tons of pictures of everyone and everything.
5. A better job of keeping in touch.

Rang in 2008 nicely.  Instead of sleeping like I should have today, I went to the mall/movies, uploaded pictures, uploaded CDs, Twilight Zone marathon, sank the Pod and will now begin my homework so I can get it over with and start a new painting.


Unknown said...

How do you know I didn't?!?!?!

Unknown said...

It wasn't that hard, I assure you.

Anonymous said...

and obv. coming to cusecuse.

and marrying belsk. but that's a given.

Unknown said...

this is the most honest, perfect thing i've seen in a while.

thank you.