
Five Favorite Flaming Lips Songs

1. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Pt I
2. Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Pt II
3. Do You Realize?
4. My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion
5. All We Have Is Now

I don't pride myself on being the biggest FL fan in the world or anything, but I'm truly in love with "Yoshimi..." (song and album, but mostly song).  First semester is already over.. I have no real finals tomorrow and second block I think I'm going to skip out on after the written portion of my final because Sarah told me to come to her Euro class (they're having a party).  Friday I have my Calc FINAL.  F-I-N-A-L.  It's over, it's over.  I'm sad because there are some good people in that class that I enjoy talking to, but nothing about mathematics will be missed at all.  NOTHING.  DocChow would be upset if he ever found out how much I hate hate hate Calculus.  Uh, since tomorrow isn't an actual day I'm going to stay up late tonight (after work, that is) and make a mix for Annie so she won't feel so sad.  Plus, I feel like I haven't seen her in so long even though that's not true.  And I'm determined to finish this painting I'm working on for the office at work.  This weekend won't be as busy as last, so I think I can get a lot of work done.  Friday is a post-final celebration post-school, then later on is Last Band Standing and the after-activities.  Saturday I'm working until 4 then doing Euro homework then going to see There Will Be Blood, which I'm excited about because it looks good and it's nominated for a million things.  Today Cynthia told me that the Myans were wrong and we'll still be good to go after 2012.  It made me feel good.

PS: I've had Yoshimi stuck in my head for hours.  John told me to sing part of it out loud, and end the line with the word "binnet" or something of that nature.  I don't want it to work, this song is awesome.  He says if it's a good song, let it stay up there.  He's not feeling well right now and I just hope he gets better soon.


Unknown said...

I have done a video blog but you have to turn the volume way way way up to hear it. I don't know why.

Thanks for the future mix!

Unknown said...

Of course you were correct, you always are. Well, that's false, but you're right a lot of the time. How many slides is your ISM powerpoint?