
five things of merit i've done today.

1. scored a job interview for tomorrow.
2. updated my resume.
3. put together an intern application for SPIN.
4. did all my lit homework for wednesday.
5. sent in my college mag blog a day early.

there have been a lot of things on my to-do list that i simply haven't been to-do-ing. tonight i'm trying to get a lot of them done. it's currently 12:32 in the morning and i'd say about about halfway through. tomorrow i don't have to wake up until 10, so i figured i'd do something productive instead of staying up for no reason. this morning i woke up when manoa did and thought i forgot to set my alarm. i've been doing that a lot lately. i got a new blog, by the way, strictly for art and photos and quotes i like and things. i'm going to start putting my creative writing assignments in there, too. i really enjoy that class. especially professor robin goldfin. what a nice man. anyway:

went to jersey over the weekend with mano, elisabeth and chelsea. got to see my family, taylor (basically my family) and kara and the boys of morrell and some random friends of shannon/mike davis' who were really drunk. i was not. they did not amuse me. things we did: mall, pizza, football game, new brunswick party, diner, new hope. typical jersey. REALLY typical. but i love it.

this week/weekend is going to be hectic. everyone and their mother is coming into the city and i need to learn how to manage my time and money and etc. man, i need thanksgiving to be here already. there's a lot of worry about that weekend, too.

oh, i will say that we went to a party on saturday night in brooklyn. my dream man (for lack of better words, i guess) was "kicking it to me" (extreme lack of better words and i specifically remember john using this phrase once, anyway..). beard, black hoodie, jean jacket, sleeves, neck tattoo, glasses, played guitar, was in a band, lived in new york, loved black flag, talked to me about bane for a solid 10 minutes, bought me a beer. and for some reason i left. without taking the beer. who knows why.. I SURE DON'T. although he was shorter than me.. hm.