
Five Reasons Work Makes Me Sad

1. I still make less money than everyone else.  Not that I care about this, but it's worth a mention.
2. People who do nothing get more hours than me.
3. People who hate FYE get more hours than me.
4. I never see the people I want to see.
5. No one shops there.

It was really depressing parting with FYE tonight because John was like.. Soo, I guess I won't see you until next Saturday?  Yeah, he won't.  FYE will not see me forever.  I just want someone to explain it to me.  Am I not doing a good job?  Two of my managers have told me that I'm a good employee, yet the third manager happens to be the one in charge of the schedule and gives me ten hours a week.  That's roughly $52 a paycheck.. Gas costs me $41 a week.  What really gets me upset, though, is that I've been there for 17 months and I have the least amount of hours.  OKAY.  I would really like to vent and say about thirty obscenities, but I won't because I really love my job.  It just makes me sad sometimes.   I should go see if Curmudgeon needs any help.  EVEN though we have a bigger selection of CDs, I think.  Obviously you can't find cheap vinyl, but we have so many used CDs.  If you really had the time, you should go to FYE and shop because you can find a lot of cheap stuff and some stuff that's out of print.  For instance, the other day I bought The Jesus & Mary Chain for $5.  That's crazy.  And I also took the Kate Nash promo because it was free (duh) and John told me it's really good.  Work makes me sad because I never get to work and never get to talk about music.  Tonight alone we talked about the new We Are Scientists album, this new band The Cribs, Bloc Party, Kate Nash, Oregon, Black Sabbath \m/.  I just like talking about music with people who actually know shit about music.  What am I getting at?  I know I'm not getting Alkaline Trio from FYE next Tuesday.  Fuck.  Or should I say Goddamnit! (Hahahahahhaha, Alkaline Trio humor..)  I ordered the limited edition vinyl but it's still not here.  I can't wait to get it and watch everything and listen to everything in all of it's remastered gloryyyyyyyyy.  I can't wait for a tour.  If it's in the summer, I'm totally roadtripping to Boston to catch the Boston show.  It's already been decided that I am in attendance of all of the New Jersey/New York/Penn shows.  I blow all of my money on music.  All of the extra $12 of my weekly paycheck goes to The Jesus and motherfucking Mary Chain.


Unknown said...

we need a day when we all three can go and be free!

Unknown said...

I like We Are Scientists.