
Five Things I Bought In My Dream Last Night

1. A new (no, like really new) Chuck Ragan alb?
2. Yellow Misfits vinyl?
3. Front row Bruce Springsteen tickets?
4. Ray Bans?
5. A party bus?

WHAT DOES IT MEAN.  Maybe I bought all of this because I got my bank statement today and realized I need to stop spending money.  Oh boy.  At this rate, I'll have the same amount of money for the rest of my life.  The amount I deposited was three dollars more than the amount I withdrew.  Ha.  Except, I did get my tax returns back today.  Awesome, awesome.  Spring break is going to suck the money right out of me, though.  Phewwww, not good.  It's 9:09.. I have one more paragraph (well, half) to go on my paper and for some reason I just can't do it.  I've been sitting here for thirty minutes and I'm just like: "blaaaaaaaah, I don't like this book, this topic, this paper".  But this has been really easy.  I wasn't even stressed that I had to do this Literary Critical Analysis essay in one night.  I got home at 4, worked on it for two hours, went to Franks for dinn-ur, came back and worked one more hour.  Three hours.. six pages.. Now I'm bored and I still don't like Shakespeare or this topic or english class.  I still have to read the Metamorphisis (suck it, Kafka.  Seriously) and study a bunch for Eurrrrrrro.  Lame.  Wednesday tomorrow.  I have to work.  I'm buying Danny that edition of Dookie that's out of print.  The one with Ernie on the back of it.  And I'm buying an Elvis CD because all of the sudden I love him. Also.. I can't find my 'I Lied My Face Off' EP?  Like, the one Mike Park sent me a little while ago because he found more in his garage?  What the hell.  It's bothering me.  I will not rest until it is gefunden.  In the immortal words of Anti-Flag: "Fuck the world, fuck 'em all!"  I don't know.. maybe I'll go see Anti-Flag.  I think they're touring.  Lord knows no one else is.. Right now my life consists of waiting for that damn Alkaline Trio tour to happen already.

Later: I finish my paper at 10:33 after an hour of just sitting in my room and listening to Superchunk.  Whoops.  I should have atleast taken a shower or something.  I just want these next two days to be over and spring break to begin.  I hope I don't have to work at all, because I have numerous plans every single day and work would just be a drag.  The only days I'm willing to work are my usual Monday nights and Wednesday morning into the evening and pppossibly on Saturday before the Curmudgeon show?  But not really, because I want to go into the city and look at residence halls.  OK, okay, that's all.