
Five Reasons I'm Happy Today

1. I'm going to NYU.
2. I'll be living in the city full time next year.
3. No more college applications<3.
4. Communication with bestfriend.
5. I did none of my homework and do not care one bit! I'm too happy.

SO YEAH, THAT'S WHERE I'M AT.  The picture (which is the Christmas tree in Rockafell'a' Center) is worth 48,000 words.  Explosion! Ecstacy! Color! Goodness, it's so surreal. Like, in four more years I'll have a degree from New York University. Are you for real? Me?! Class of 2012.  I feel like everything has finally paid off.  Staying up late, procrastination, sleep deprivation.  I did it.  I did it and it feels so fulfilling.  Everyone has been really happy for me, which I think is the best part of this whole experience.  I just think it's such a beautiful thing that people, though they're all worried about their own college endeavors, can still feel this tremendous happiness for others.  I love it.  Sometimes we suck, but we're really good deep down.  Everyone I've ever known is the best.  I know that I couldn't do any of this without them.  I know I couldn't.  Like Chuck says, "I am the combined effort of everyone I know."  THANK YOU, MR. PALAHNIUK.


Unknown said...

you deserve it because you're wonderful.

the end.

Cayce Clifford said...

i agree with annie. you're amazing and NYU is right for picking such a good person. keep in mind what miss kelly said to us <3333