
Five Awesome Things About Vegas

1. Hotels that are beyond awesome.
2. You never have to sleep.
3. Elvis Elvis everywhere.
4. Vegoose!
5. It's in the middle of a desert.

I really enjoyed Las Vegas (which was almost a year ago to date) and I can't stop thinking about going back.  I remember coming off the airplane and walking for hours on end up and down the strip and going to that oxygen bar and never sleeping and the Palace and shows and etc etc.  I'm half-watching a television program on the big LV, which prompted this.  I feel like things are finally calming down and I hardly feel as rushed today as I usually do.  I do, however, have to work 5-10, so that puts a strain on things.  The rest of the week will probably be crazy.  Tomorrow I'm going to Chipotle with some people after school then Tommy's basketball game and out with everyone afterwards, Wednesday I have GHS aaand Elan, Friday is the show!  So yeah, so yeah, so yeah.  I have to write fucking poetry by tonight and give it to Mr. Smith and I just want it to be good and I hope he doesn't hate it.  And I, and I, and I.  I have nothing to write about.

My Witness Is The Empty Sky


I crossed the Jersey state line with my barefeet on the dashboard

And my cigarette tapping the ashtray exterior of the Chevy

My boyfriend was driving ten miles over the speed limit.

I ran my hand over the Atlantic and traced the waves as

They each took their turn pounding into the sand in a rythm

That matched the song that was playing over the radio.

When the music was gone, I tapped the beat on my left leg

Which was sunburned enough that each count left a mark,

And soon I was busy making five-fingered clouds in a numb red sky.

Until my boyfriend, whose eyes never left the road ahead,

Asked what the hell I was doing and I merely said what I always felt:



Unknown said...

hahah, i'll work on that. i think you should do one too! we can compare our lovely poems even though yours will actually be legittt

Unknown said...

You forgot about the prostitute flyers!