
Five Coolest NYU Alumni

1. Woody Allen
2. Whoopi Goldberg
3. Meg Ryan/Billy Crystal (yes, they count as one because of When Harry Met Sally)
4. Clive Davis
5. Candance Bushnell (Sex and the City!)

But there are so many others.. There are also a ton of awesome people (okay, mainly John Cusack) who didn't graduate but still went there.  Tons of really well known people.  Hopefully someday I'll be on the list and some other unknown blogger will cite me as their coolest NYU alum.  However, I don't think I'll ever be able to top people like Ang Lee and that/those dude/s from Rent.  YO, speaking of 'blogs'... 90 Day Jane?  Ripping off that Chuck Palahniuk quote?  Are you serious?  She's not going to kill herself.  ( btws)  So anyway, tonight is one of those nights where I could be doing a lot of things, but I'm not going to because for some reason I feel really sick.  But not sick, just like.. it hurts when I move.  It's strange.  The two hour open house at the school didn't help because I was running around with little children for two hours.  So yeah, now I'm home and I'm actually going to bed right after this.  Last night I had a bad sleep, so tonight I'm making up for it.  But really, everything I was going to do (except for all of that English homework...) doesn't have to be done until Thursday.  But one thing that has to be done tonight is the rewatching of Amy Winehouse's Grammy performance.